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Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees develops strategic goals and establishes policies and plans consistent with the core values and mission of The Brownstone School. The Board is accountable for the financial stability and financial future of the school, setting annual tuition and salary increases, developing and approving the annual operating budget, and establishing annual development plans.

There are several standing Board Committees with specific charges that include both trustees and non-trustees with membership changing as needed. Committee Chairs are appointed by the Board Chair, and the Director and Board Chair are ex-officio members of all committees. Current committees include the the Investment Committee, which establishes investment guidelines in support of the school’s strategic objectives and reviews the performance and composition of the investment program. The Financial Assistance Committee reviews and advises on policies governing financial assistance administration. The Nominating Committee is responsible for identifying appropriate trustee and officer candidates, nominating them for election by the Board, and arranging for the orientation of newly elected trustees and officers. 

2024-2025 Board of Trustees


Chair: Sydney Snider
Secretary: Jamie Finn
Financial Assistance Chair: Lauren Gilbertson 
Nominating Chair: Lauren Schulz
Investment Chair: Townshine Wu
Members: TJ Amburgy, Vivian Bayles, Samuel Eisner, Lauren Quinn, Allison Rothbart, and Erin Weibel
Parent Association Chairs: Janelle Currin and Nicole Grimes


The Brownstone School  128 West 80th Street  New York, NY 10024   212-874-1341

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